Fi50 January Challenge: The Best of Intentions….

imageMorning all – the Fiction in 50 January Challenge is open for contributions! If you’d like to play along, simply write a piece of fiction or poetry or anything that isn’t factual, based on the prompt below and link it up to the linky or share it in the comments.  For more detailed info and for prompts for challenges further down the track, simply click on the Fi50 button on the right.

This month’s prompt is…….

fi50 jan button

I feel like I’ve outdone myself this month, and I hope you agree.  This is certainly my favourite piece so far!  Although, admittedly, it is 51 words long and therefore fails the challenge, but I could not decide on another word to cull. Editing suggestions are most welcome.  I have titled this piece….

Bob’s Big Break

“What’s your best price Bob?” asks St. Peter.

”We’ll replace this path with patented Good Intentions Pavers, plus eternity-length warranty on cracking and fading, for $9 million per square metre!”

“How much?”

“Okay, $8m. Mate’s rates.”

 “Go to Hell!” sputters Peter.

Bob considers. It’s the break he’s been looking for.

So there you have it.  Join in with your links here:

The linky will remain open for a whole month, so you’ve got plenty of time to play along (and cull that 51st word).  New players welcome! Old players in disguise welcome!

The prompt for February is….

love in the time of button

You get to fill in the blank.  How exciting! How diverse! How democratic!

I look forward to reading your efforts this month challenge buddies.  Oh, and if you are hankering after some more short and sweet poetry, obscure proverbs and hilarious picture-y, check out my tumblr feed – it’s good for what ails you!

Until next time,



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19 thoughts on “Fi50 January Challenge: The Best of Intentions….

  1. Hilarious! I’m not sure I should post mine–it’s less fiction and more serious…. I’ll give it one more think, if nothin’ comes, I’ll bail and start working on Feb’s, as I LOVE that theme!


  2. Pingback: The Best of Intentions | Simply Miko

  3. Pingback: Fi50– “The Best of Intentions” | ADRIFT in AFTERTHOUGHTS

  4. Pingback: Fiction in 50: The Best of Intentions | Across the Bored

  5. What a brilliant little piece, sir! The last few lines truly deliver. Funny, witty, and not a word out of place. We can forgive you for overstepping the mark by one – completely justified! I can’t wait to see what you come up with for February, and I hope to attempt the challenge myself.


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