Read it if…: The Tender Moments of Saffron Silk

Afternoon all….every so often a children’s author comes along who I suspect is sneakily writing for adults under the guise of writing for children. Glenda Millard, author of the Kingdom of Silk series, is one of these.  She is sneaky in another way too, in that she ALWAYS manages to publish new books in this series without me knowing.  Such is the circumstance in which I discovered The Tender Moments of Saffron Silk, which is number six in the series.

For those unfamiliar with Millard’s work, she has an incredible ability to discuss sad and scary issues, including the death of a child, Alzheimer’s disease, and the difficulties faced by children in care, in a way that is both accessible to children and deeply touching to adults.  In this particular offering, Saffron, the youngest of the Silk girls, is experiencing the fear that comes with unexplained symptoms of illness.

Read it if:

* you wish that your childhood had been played out against the backdrop of a large family, a sprawling backyard and special connections between loved ones

* you have ever experienced the fear of facing a problem that you felt was too big for you to overcome

* you are prepared to fall in love with the whimsy and innocence of Stephen Michael King’s beautiful illustrations

* there is an old (or young, or young-at-heart) hippy hiding somewhere inside you

*you like books that are packed with heart; that remain with you after reading; that transport you to a better place and can be read in one sitting

This series has grown to become one of my all time favourites – librarians and teachers, in particular, you will certainly find something to entertain and engage your class with this series of books.  And for adults, you may find yourself experiencing some healing you didn’t even know you needed….

For those interested, the other books in the series, in order are:

The Naming of Tishkin Silk; Layla, Queen of Hearts; Perry Angel’s Suitcase; All the Colours of Paradise; Plum Puddings and Paper Moons

Until next time,


6 thoughts on “Read it if…: The Tender Moments of Saffron Silk

  1. Oh, I think I would love this book! I also really like your Read It If feature – thanks for bottom lining it for me. I, for one, appreciate it.

    I have to tell you that as I was going through your post, I skimmed ahead of my reading and “saw” ‘Stephen Michael King’, which my brain registered as ‘Stephen King’. Then as I was reading that particular sentence I came across the words ‘whimsy and innocence’ and at first, I thought, “whimsy and innocence” doesn’t fit with “Stephen King”! lol Ok, clearly I need slightly more caffeination!

    Thanks for linking in the Kid Lit Blog Hop! 😀


  2. Pingback: Surprised by Joy (and a feathered fowl): The Duck and The Darklings… | thebookshelfgargoyle

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