Small Fry Safari KidLit Readers Challenge 2014: Sign Up!

Afternoon all! After a very brief and not very deeply considered period of reflection, I have decided to take the plunge and host a readers challenge for 2014.  I hope you will join me in committing to conquer this most wiley and tricksy of beasts:


The Small Fry Safari KidLit Readers Challenge!


* The Challenge will run from January 1st to December 31, 2014.

* Challengees must read at least one book from each category (listed below).

* Books selected must be aimed at a target age range of under-18, so anything from cloth books to Young Adult is acceptable.  Books can be any format you like – print, audio, ebook – and any genre.  Alternatively, books could be ABOUT children – for example, parenting books, or memoirs about children

* The categories listed are a loose guide and creative interpretation of the categories is not only encouraged, but applauded. Loudly.

* Challengees should link their reviews/progress under the relevant linky lists on the main challenge page.  If you don’t have a blog, you could link to your Goodreads shelf/reviews, or simply comment on the challenge page as you go.

*Feel free to display the challenge button (html for which is in the sidebar) and share about the challenge wherever you like!


1. A book with something related to Safari in the title (eg: Rumble in the Jungle, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt)

2. A book with a piece of furniture in the title: (eg: 100 Cupboards, The Adventures of the Wishing Chair)

3. A book with a specific time in the title: (eg: Grim Tuesday, The Eleventh Hour)

4. A book with someone’s name in the title: (eg: Ella Kazoo Will Not Brush Her Hair, Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret?, Cinderella Ate My Daughter)

5. A book with something that comes in pairs in the title: (eg: Shoes From Grandpa, The Twins at St Clare’s)

6. A book with something precious in the title: (eg: Where’s the Gold?, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone)

7. A book with something unsightly in the title: (eg: Scarface Claw, The Ugly Duckling, Get Back, Pimple!, Trash )

8. A book with some form of wordplay in the title : (eg: Dark Lord: A Fiend in Need, The Perpetual Papers of the Pack of Pets, The French Confection)

So what are you waiting for?? Click the link to sign up below!

I hope to battle out this challenge with you all by my side, intrepid explorers!

Until next time,


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Bruce Gargoyle's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)

22 thoughts on “Small Fry Safari KidLit Readers Challenge 2014: Sign Up!

  1. Jolly good! The Doctor Who Decide Your Destiny books could be a good place to start given your current theme…but I expect that will be old hat by January. Oh, and apologies for the ridiculously contrived use of a British exclamation at the beginning of this comment. I just got carried away.


  2. That hat is inspiring. I may take up your challenge. I didn’t do so well with my 2013 reading challenge. I am quite dependent on others’ choice of books so I will mull this over for a bit. Get my ducks in a row so to speak.


  3. Pingback: Small Fry Safari KidLit Readers Challenge 2014: Sign Up! | Jemima Pett

  4. We are going to sign up. Yippee!!! We’ll blog about it in a week or so, too. We are just a tad overwhelmed with posts at the moment…we want it to get the attention it deserves. Off to share on twitter…

    Have a paw-riffic day! ~/(^.^)\ and =^.^=


  5. Ok, I’m in. *gulp* If you like, I can blog about this and share with my followers. So, we don’t have to do them in the order above, right? I can see that it will be necessary to be quite creative in interpreting the categories!! lol


    • Wonderful! No, any order you like will be fine. It would be fantabulous if you felt the need to share the challenge – the more the merrier, I say! Great to have you on the Safari bus 🙂


  6. Pingback: Readers Challenge 2014! {$20 Amazon gift card giveaway!} - One Fun Mom

  7. Pingback: Readers Challenge 2014 and $20 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway! - Mommynificent

  8. I’ve sat on this all month, but Jemima’s first post in the challenge inspired me. I hope I did it right–was I supposed to wait to sign up until I had a post?


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