Fiction in 50 September Challenge: A Worthy Adversary…



Welcome to the September edition of the Fiction in 50 Challenge! We invite you to join in and compose a piece of writing in 50 words or less on our current prompt and then link it up to the linky, or pop a link in the comments so all can appreciate your prodigious talent.  I’ve also started using #Fi50 when I share entries on Twitter, so feel free to do the same!  This month’s prompt is….

a worthy adversary button

For more information about the challenge, just click here.  The linky below will be open for a month so you’ve got plenty of time to craft your masterpiece and join in.  Here’s this month’s linky:

And here’s my effort.  I’ve decided this month to tip my hat to that legendary poet of war, Wilfred Owen.  My work today is inspired by his poem Dulce et Decorum est, which you can familiarise yourself with here…but of course you already know it 😉

I have titled my piece….

Dulce 2.0

Bent double, muscles slack, I take up stance on the battleground. I am ready.

Centuries ago, international conflict evolved past such crude problem-solving as violence, bombs, indiscriminate death. Instead, we trip the light fantastic.

I am a soldier of the shimmy and sway.

Dulce et decorum est pro patria saltandi


Your turn! For those preppers amongst us, October’s prompt will be super-democratic in that you get to fill in the blank:

the darker side of

You choose! We had a lot of fun with the last fill in the blank prompt a few months ago and you can check out some of those entries here if you need inspiration.

Until next time,


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7 thoughts on “Fiction in 50 September Challenge: A Worthy Adversary…

  1. This is my all-time fave blog challenge, just so you know! I’m an old-timer–yeah, that gal who keeps getting new blogs, that’s me–I look forward to each month. And I do believe I finally overcame my Mr Linky phobia–so I’ll do that at midnight. See y’all later–thanks for quality challenges!


  2. Pingback: Fi50 Challenge: A Worthy Adversary | PARADISE WAITS

  3. Pingback: Fiction in 50: A Worthy Adversary | Across the Bored

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