Read it if: The Marching Dead….

Today, unusually, I’m bringing you a Read-it-if review for a sequel.  The Marching Dead by Lee Battersby is the follow up tome to the quirky and creatively titled The Corpse-Rat King.  You’ll remember of course that in the first book, the irrepressible Marius don Hellespont was mistaken for the King of the Dead while looting the corpses of soldiers post-battle (a simple mistake to make, I’m sure you’ll agree) and was forced to set out on a quest to find the dead a real king.

In this book, Marius and his fellow flesh-folk find that their dearly departed have…well…departed… from their cosy home in the soil for reasons unknown.  Enter Marius’ simple mountain-lad mate Gerd (deceased) and Gerd’s potty-mouthed Granny (also deceased), and a now-you-see-him-now-you-don’t cat and you have a questing party worth hitching your (deceased) horse and cart to.  The story follows Marius and co. in their efforts to figure out where the dead have got to and what they plan to do when they get there.

marching dead

Read it if:

* you’ve read The Corpse-Rat King, or you’re looking for something that doesn’t take itself too seriously

* you are a boy aged 16 to pre-deceased

* you enjoy a bit of jollity and good clean fun in your fantasy tales

* your idea of jollity and good clean fun includes swearing, debauchery, general bastardry, frisky warrior nuns, potty mouthed grannies and a fancy headband made out of an animated corpse’s nether regions

Although this is a sequel, I’m sure that it could be enjoyed and followed fairly easily for those who haven’t read The Corpse-Rat King. Having said that though, the first book is a fun, cheeky read in itself and is definitely worth a look, particularly if you enjoy fantasy tales and would like something that is pitched entirely at (immature) adults.

Until next time,





7 thoughts on “Read it if: The Marching Dead….

  1. Pingback: Magrit: An MG Good, Sad and Quirky Review… | The Bookshelf Gargoyle

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